Horizon of Reason Magic Books and Illusions Shop

The Horizon of Reason publishes books and magic tricks that discuss the relationship between science and magic from both a theoretical and practical perspective. These books are based on research into how principles of science can be used to create magic tricks.

The magic tricks on Horizon of Reason are minor mysteries. These are magic tricks that remain interesting, even after you know the secret. Minor mysteries can be entertaining, but they also contain a profound message about our relationship with reality.

Mark Stevens, Stevens Magic Emporium.

Incredible quality, incredible price, excellent topics.

The Jastrow Illusion in Magic: Performing the Boomerang Illusion
This book shows how magicians can use the Jastro or boomerang illusion to create entertaining magic for audiences of all ages.
Perspectives on Magic: Scientific Views of Theatrical Magic
Scientist and professionals from many fields of endeavour study magiciand and their performances. Perspectives on Magic discusses their work and what we can learn from magic.