Culture and the Horizon of Reason

The Sociological Imagination of Mills: Lessons for Engineers
Sociological imagination is a crucial ability of human beings to understand society as a whole instead of focusing on the self.
Arguments for Hedonism: Pleasure for Individual Salvation
This paper discusses Epicurus’ the arguments for hedonism in his moral philosophy, which will be contrasted with John Stuart Mill’s theory of pleasure.
Stoic Theory of Universals: The Case Against Nominalism
This short essay discusses the stoic theory of universals and makes a case against nominalism.
Problems of Atomic Motion in Epicurean Philosophy
The theory or atomic motion was originally proposed by Democritus and was later continued by the Epicurean philosophers.
Descartes Sceptical Challenge and the foundation of knowledge?
Can Descartes slay the malicious demon he hypothesises in his famous doubt thought experiment?
Does God Exist? A review of Descartes' Ontological Argument
The ontological argument is a philosophical proof of the existence of God. This article reviews the merits of Descrates' arguments
Descartes and his Cogito Ergo Sum: Can we know our selves?
Should Descartes' adagio "cogito ergo sum" be interpreted as an intuition instead of an inference? What does this mean for our ability to know our selves?
The Self in Indian Philosophy: Hindu, Buddhist and Carvaka views
Discussion of theories of the self in Indian philosophy, comparing the Hindu, Buddhist, materialist Charvaka and contemporary views.